Palak Pudina Chutney Recipe | Spinach & Mint Chutney

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Enhance your culinary experience with the vibrant and flavorful palak pudina chutney, a delightful blend of fresh spinach, mint leaves, and aromatic spices.

This refreshing chutney not only adds a burst of color to your table but also tantalizes your taste buds with its unique combination of ingredients.

In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to create this delectable condiment that perfectly complements various snacks and dishes.

So, let’s embark on a journey of culinary delight and discover the art of crafting palak pudina chutney.

Palak Pudina Chutney


  • Palak pudina chutney brings together the freshness of spinach and mint, creating a lively and invigorating fusion of flavors.
  • An incredibly versatile condiment, this chutney complements a range of dishes, from fritters and kebabs to sandwiches and biryanis.
  • The chutney’s aromatic blend of fresh coriander, mint, and spinach adds an herbaceous aroma that enhances the overall culinary experience.
  • Crafted with simple ingredients and an easy-to-follow process, making Palak Pudina Chutney at home is a delightful and rewarding experience.
  • Blending the chutney with curd results in a cool and creamy texture, offering a soothing contrast to spicy or fried snacks.

How to Make Palak Pudina Chutney? (Step by Step Guide with Images)

Step 1: Take a grinder and first put 1.5 cups of fresh spinach, 1 cup of fresh coriander leaves, and 1.5 cups of fresh mint leaves in it.

Putting 1.5 cups of fresh spinach, 1 cup of fresh coriander leaves, and 1.5 cups of fresh mint leaves in grinder

(Expert tip: If you do not want the raw taste of spinach, you can blanch it for a couple of minutes before adding it to the grinder).

Step 2: Now add ½ cup small and deskinned garlic cloves along with a piece of fresh ginger of about 1.5 inches in size, deskinned and cut roughly.

Added ½ cup small and deskinned garlic cloves along with a piece of fresh ginger of about 1.5 inches in size

Step 3: Then add 8 to 10 pieces of fresh green chilies of medium size to the grinder.

Added 8 to 10 pieces of fresh green chilies of medium size to the grinder

(Expert tip: You can increase or decrease the number of fresh green chilies according to your liking).

Step 4: Now, pour 1 cup of water into the grinder.

Pouring 1 cup of water into the grinder

(Expert tip: You may also add a couple of ice cubes instead of water in the grinder. This will help in keeping the ingredients cool and prevent them from losing the light green color and becoming darker due to the heat generated by the rotating grinder).

Step 5: Grind the ingredients to a fine paste. Check the consistency of the paste. You can add a little bit water more to it if you do not want a thick paste and grind it again.

Checking the consistency of the paste

(Expert tip: Always grind it in short intervals initially. This will ease the grinding process if it gets stuck due to the amount of content in the grinder).

Step 6: Pour the paste into a bowl and keep it aside.

Pouring the paste into a bowl

Step 7: Now, whisk one kilogram of curd nicely into the bowl with the help of a whisker.

Whisking one kilogram of curd nicely into the bowl

(Expert tip: Make sure that the amount of curd is always more than the amount or volume of the paste. Ideally, a bowlful of chutney will need about 3 kgs of curd. So, in 1 kg curd, you must use only 1/3 of the amount of chutney shown).

Step 8: Now, add a portion of the palak pudina paste, about 8 to 10 spoonfuls, to the bowl of curd.

Adding a portion of the palak pudina paste

Step 9: Mix the two nicely.

Mixing the two nicely

Step 10: Then, add the remaining portion of 1/3 of the chutney to the curd. Mix it nicely as well.

Adding the remaining portion of 1/3 of the chutney to the curd

Step 11: When it is done, add 2 tsp of black salt to the mixture.

Added 2 tsp of black salt

Step 12: Then add 1.5 tsp of dry mango powder (amchur) to the mixture.

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Adding 1.5 tsp of dry mango powder (amchur) to the mixture

Step 13: Now, add 1.5 tsp of roasted and coarsely ground cumin seeds to the bowl.

Adding 1.5 tsp of roasted and coarsely ground cumin seeds to the bowl

Step 14: Mix everything nicely.

Mixing everything nicely

Step 15: Finally, add the juice of two fresh lemons to the mixture. Mix it nicely. Check the consistency and taste.

Adding the juice of two fresh lemons to the mixture

(Expert tip: You can add more lemon juice if you want but make sure you check the taste first. If you want more of the palak and pudina flavor in the chutney, add a few spoons of the chutney to the mixture and mix it nicely).

Step 16: Your palak pudina chutney is now ready to be consumed with fritters and other snacks and dishes.

Palak pudina chutney is now ready

Pro Tips for Making Palak Pudina Chutney

Blanch the Spinach for a Milder Flavor: To diminish the raw taste of spinach, consider blanching it for a couple of minutes before adding it to the grinder. This technique ensures a more refined and subtle spinach flavor in your chutney.

Control the Heat with Green Chilies: Adjust the quantity of fresh green chilies based on your spice preference. More chilies for a spicier kick or fewer for a milder version—customize it to suit your taste buds.

Ice Cubes for Vibrant Color: Instead of water, add a couple of ice cubes to the grinder. This helps maintain the light green color of the ingredients, preventing them from darkening due to the heat generated during grinding.

Grind in Short Intervals: When blending the ingredients, grind in short intervals initially. This helps prevent the grinder from getting stuck, especially when dealing with a substantial amount of content.

Balance Curd and Chutney Ratio: Ensure the amount of curd is always greater than the volume of the chutney paste. A general guideline is to use about 1/3 of the chutney for every kilogram of curd, resulting in a harmonious blend of flavors.

Layering Technique for Homogeneous Mix: Add the palak pudina paste to the curd in two stages, mixing well after each addition. This layering technique ensures a more even distribution of flavors throughout the chutney.

Fine-Tune Sourness with Lemon Juice: Adjust the amount of lemon juice according to your preference. Taste the chutney before finalizing, adding more lemon juice if you desire an extra tangy kick.

Mindful Mixing for Perfect Consistency: Mix the chutney ingredients thoroughly after each addition to achieve a smooth and well-incorporated consistency. Take your time during this step for optimal results.

Palak Pudina Chutney Storing Tips

Refrigerate in an Airtight Container: Transfer the prepared palak pudina chutney into an airtight container before storing it in the refrigerator. This helps preserve its freshness and prevents any external odors from affecting the flavor.

A Layer of Oil on Top: To prevent the chutney from drying out or discoloring, consider adding a thin layer of oil on top before sealing the container. This acts as a protective barrier, preserving the chutney’s texture.

Avoid Moisture Contamination: Ensure that the container and the chutney are moisture-free before storing. Any moisture can lead to spoilage and affect the chutney’s shelf life.

How Does Palak Pudina Chutney Taste?

Fresh and Vibrant: The chutney bursts with the freshness of spinach and mint, creating a lively and invigorating flavor profile. The combination of these leafy greens results in a palate-pleasing sensation that awakens your taste buds.

Zesty and Tangy: A hint of zestiness and a touch of tanginess is introduced through the addition of fresh lemon juice. This lively citrus component adds a delightful kick, balancing the earthiness of the greens and enhancing the overall taste.

Spicy Kick: The inclusion of fresh green chilies imparts a subtle spicy kick to the chutney. The heat is moderate and can be adjusted according to personal preference, making it suitable for those who enjoy a bit of warmth in their culinary adventures.

Umami Depth: The amalgamation of roasted cumin seeds, black salt, and dry mango powder contributes to an umami depth in the chutney. These savory elements provide a well-rounded and satisfying taste, elevating the overall flavor profile.

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Cool and Creamy Texture: Blending the chutney with curd results in a cool and creamy texture. This creamy consistency not only complements the spiciness but also adds a soothing element, making it a versatile accompaniment for a variety of snacks and dishes.

Herbaceous Aroma: The aromatic blend of fresh coriander, mint, and spinach gives the chutney an herbaceous aroma. This fragrance not only entices the senses but also signals the abundance of natural and wholesome ingredients.

Palak Pudina Chutney Featured Image

Palak Pudina Chutney Alternatives

The following alternatives will offer a somewhat similar taste as palak pudina chutney though not to absolute exactness.

Dhania Pudina Chutney: A classic blend of fresh coriander and mint, this chutney mirrors the herbaceous and refreshing notes found in palak pudina chutney. It serves as a versatile accompaniment, perfect for various Indian snacks.

Kothamalli Thuvaiyal: Hailing from South India, this chutney features a predominant coriander flavor with a hint of mint. Its aromatic and mildly spicy profile makes it an excellent alternative to palak pudina chutney.

Mint Yogurt Chutney: Combining the cooling effect of yogurt with the invigorating taste of mint, this chutney offers a creamy alternative to palak pudina chutney. It’s particularly delightful when paired with spicy or fried snacks.

Coriander Mint Dip: A fusion of coriander and mint, this dip shares similarities with Palak Pudina Chutney in terms of its herbal essence. It’s a versatile dip that can enhance the flavors of appetizers and main courses alike.

Green Chili Coriander Chutney: For those who enjoy a spicier kick, this chutney combines the bold flavors of green chilies and coriander. Its heat level can be adjusted to suit individual preferences, offering a dynamic alternative to palak pudina chutney.

Mint Tamarind Chutney: Featuring the refreshing taste of mint combined with the tanginess of tamarind, this chutney provides a unique flavor profile reminiscent of palak pudina chutney. It adds a delightful twist to your culinary creations.

What Dishes Can Palak Pudina Chutney Be Served with?

Fritters (Pakoras): Dip your favorite fritters, whether they are made with potatoes, onions, spinach, or any other vegetable, into Palak Pudina Chutney for an extra burst of flavor.

Samosas: The combination of crispy samosas and the refreshing taste of Palak Pudina Chutney is a classic and beloved pairing.

Kebabs: Whether you’re enjoying vegetarian or meat-based kebabs, this chutney adds a zesty kick that complements the smoky flavors.

Sandwiches and Wraps: Spread Palak Pudina Chutney on sandwiches or wraps for a unique and flavorful twist. It works well with both vegetable and meat fillings.

Chaat Varieties: Elevate the taste of your favorite chaat items, such as pani puri or bhel puri, by drizzling Palak Pudina Chutney on top.

Roasted Vegetables: Use it as a dip for roasted or grilled vegetables to enhance their natural flavors with the chutney’s herbal and tangy notes.

Stuffed Parathas: Enjoy it with stuffed parathas, such as aloo paratha or paneer paratha, to add an extra layer of taste.

Recipe Card

Palak Pudina Chutney Featured Image

Palak Pudina Chutney

By Mita Mondal
Palak pudina chutney is a flavorful green condiment made by blending fresh spinach, mint leaves, coriander leaves, garlic, ginger, green chilies, and spices like black salt, cumin seeds, and dry mango powder.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 12 minutes
Total Time 12 minutes
Course Condiments
Cuisine Indian
Servings 20
Calories 52 kcal


  • Begin by placing 1.5 cups of fresh spinach, 1 cup of coriander leaves, and 1.5 cups of mint leaves into a grinder.
  • Add ½ cup of deskinned garlic cloves and roughly cut 1.5-inch fresh ginger to the grinder.
  • Pour 1 cup of water into the grinder or opt for a couple of ice cubes to maintain the vibrant green color while grinding.
  • Grind the ingredients into a fine paste, ensuring a desirable consistency. Add a bit more water if needed and grind again for a smoother texture.
  • Transfer the paste to a bowl and set it aside.
  • Whisk 1 kilogram of curd thoroughly in a separate bowl.
  • Add around 8 to 10 spoonfuls of the Palak Pudina paste to the curd bowl.
  • Mix the paste and curd thoroughly.
  • Add the remaining 1/3 portion of the chutney paste to the curd mixture and blend well.
  • Incorporate 2 tsp of black salt into the mix.
  • Follow with 1.5 tsp of dry mango powder (amchur).
  • Add 1.5 tsp of coarsely ground roasted cumin seeds to the bowl.
  • Stir everything together until well combined.
  • Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into the mixture. Stir well and taste for consistency and flavor.
  • Your Palak Pudina Chutney is now ready to enjoy with fritters and other snacks or dishes.
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Ingredient Freshness: Ensure the freshness of all ingredients, especially the leafy greens like spinach, mint, and coriander, for a vibrant and flavorful chutney.
Adjust Spice Levels: Control the spiciness by varying the quantity of fresh green chilies. Increase or decrease according to personal preference for a milder or spicier chutney.
Blanching Spinach: To reduce the raw taste of spinach, blanch it for a few minutes before grinding. This technique results in a milder flavor profile.
Maintaining Color: If preferred, use ice cubes instead of water while grinding to maintain the bright green color of the chutney ingredients.
Grinding Process: Grind the ingredients in short intervals initially to prevent the grinder from getting stuck, especially when dealing with larger quantities.
Curd-Chutney Ratio: Keep the amount of curd greater than the volume of the chutney paste for a well-balanced consistency and flavor.
Layering Technique: Add the Palak Pudina paste to the curd in two stages and mix well after each addition. This helps distribute the flavors evenly.
Adjusting Seasonings: Taste the chutney before finalizing the seasonings. Adjust the quantity of lemon juice, salt, dry mango powder, and cumin seeds according to your preference.
Storage: Store the prepared chutney in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Adding a thin layer of oil on top helps preserve its freshness and prevents drying out.
Pairing Suggestions: Experiment with various dishes such as fritters, kebabs, sandwiches, wraps, chaat items, roasted vegetables, and stuffed parathas to discover exciting flavor combinations.
By following these recipe notes, you'll be able to craft a delightful Palak Pudina Chutney with optimal taste and texture. 

Nutrition Info (Estimation Only)

Nutrition Facts
Palak Pudina Chutney
Amount per Serving
Calories from Fat 18
% Daily Value*
Saturated Fat
Polyunsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated Fat
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
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In conclusion, palak pudina chutney is a vibrant and versatile delight, adding a burst of fresh flavors to your favorite snacks and meals.

Elevate your culinary experience with this homemade condiment that balances herbaceous notes, zesty tanginess, and a creamy texture.

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