Khesari Saag in Indian Cooking: Things to Know

Khesari Saag, also known as Khesari Shak, is one of the best shaak recipes popular in West Bengal and Bangladesh.

With just a few ingredients, it can be prepared. You can cook this recipe anytime and serve it with steamed rice.

Uses of Khesari Saag in Indian Cuisine

Khesari Saag in Indian Cooking

Khesari Shak is a delicate and tasty shaak. There are one or two simple recipes available in the market.

You can have Khesari Saag with steamed rice along with some other recipes. Let us check out the recipe, which is very easy and wonderful to taste.

Khesari Shak Bhaja

Take small tendrils of the plant and wash them perfectly. Keep them aside in a container. Chop them finely and then heat the pan.

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Put some oil in it, then add the Khesari Shaak and fry it well. When it turns into a mishmash, add salt, green chilies, and ginger paste.

Cover the lid and cook it for 2 minutes. Then uncover the lid and add ¼ cup of water mixed with wheat flour into the pan.

Cook it well until it dries up. Garnish it with green chilies, fried red chilies, and serve it with steamed rice.

How Does Khesari Saag Taste?

Khesari Saag is a leafy vegetable commonly consumed in certain regions of India, particularly in the state of Bihar and West Bengal.

It is made from the leaves of the khesari plant, which is a type of legume. The taste of Khesari Saag can be described as slightly bitter with a mild nutty flavor.

When cooked, Khesari Saag is often prepared by sautéing the leaves with spices such as garlic, ginger, and onions.

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It is typically seasoned with turmeric, cumin, coriander, and chili powder to enhance its flavor.

The bitterness of the saag is balanced out by these spices, resulting in a savory and aromatic dish.

The texture of Khesari Saag can vary depending on how it is prepared.

Some people prefer to cook it until it becomes soft and tender, while others may prefer a slightly crunchy texture.

Overall, Khesari Saag is known for its unique taste and is often enjoyed as a side dish with rice or roti (Indian bread) in traditional Indian cuisine.


Finally, Khesari Saag, also known as Khesari Shak, is a popular and delicate leafy vegetable dish in West Bengal and Bangladesh.

With just a few ingredients, this recipe can be easily prepared and enjoyed with steamed rice or other dishes.

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The taste of Khesari Saag is slightly bitter with a mild nutty flavor, complemented by the spices used in its preparation.

Whether cooked to be soft and tender or slightly crunchy, Khesari Saag offers a unique and savory addition to traditional Indian cuisine.

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