Fish Egg Curry Recipe | Macher Dimer Jhol

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Fish Egg Curry is a flavorful coastal dish that showcases the rich bounty of the sea.

In this culinary journey, we will explore how to create a tantalizing curry using fish roe, a delicacy revered in many coastal regions around the world.

Fish roe, also known as fish eggs or caviar, adds a unique texture and a burst of briny, oceanic flavors to this dish.

Fish Egg Curry is a harmonious blend of flavors and textures. Let us get into the details of this recipe.

Fish Egg Curry

Key Takeaways:

  • Fish Egg Curry is a flavorful coastal dish that celebrates the richness of the sea.
  • Fish roe, also known as fish eggs or caviar, adds a unique texture and oceanic flavor to this curry.
  • Use fresh fish roe for the best results, and handle it gently to maintain its delicate texture.
  • Create a well-balanced spice blend and temper the spices in oil for a rich and aromatic curry base.

The Ingredients

Fish egg curry ingredients

How to Cook Fish Egg Curry (Step by Step Images)?

Marinating the Fish Eggs:

1. Coat the fish eggs evenly with ½ tbsp of turmeric powder and ½ tbsp of salt, ensuring a thorough covering.

(Expert tip: Avoid extended marination to prevent sogginess.)

Coating the fish eggs evenly with turmeric powder and salt

Frying the Fish Eggs:

2. Heat 4 tbsp of mustard oil in a wok until hot. Gently place the fish eggs into the oil. Be cautious, as it may crackle. Cover the wok while frying.

(Expert tip: Be cautious while adding fish eggs to avoid splattering.)

Heating mustard oil, and placing the fish eggs into the oi

3. Carefully flip the fish eggs to fry both sides evenly. Remove them once they are fried.

(Expert tip: Cooking fish eggs may cause oil to foam.)

Flipping the fish eggs to fry both sides evenly

Preparing the Gravy:

4. Add another 1 tbsp of oil to the same wok. Sauté cumin seeds for 2 seconds, then add chopped onions. Stir for 2 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes and cook until they turn mushy.

Adding another oil to the same wok. Sauté cumin seeds then adding chopped onions, chopped tomatoes

5. Introduce ginger-garlic paste once tomatoes are cooked. Sauté until the raw smell dissipates.

Introducing ginger-garlic paste and sauteing

6. Incorporate turmeric powder, cumin and coriander powder, Kashmiri and red chili powder. Stir, then add a small amount of water to cook the spices. Thoroughly combine.

Adding turmeric powder, cumin and coriander powder, Kashmiri and red chili powder and stirring

7. Add 2 tsp of salt and stir well. Once the spices release their oil, pour in 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil. Gently place the fried fish eggs in the boiling gravy.

(Expert tip: Adjust salt according to your taste. Adjust water for desired gravy consistency.)

Addng salt, water, and fried fish eggs

8. Add garam masala and green chilis. Mix gently. Cover and allow it to cook for a while.

Adding garam masala and green chilis

9. After a few minutes, uncover, sprinkle with coriander leaves, and turn off the flame.

Sprinkling coriander leaves

10. Transfer fish egg curry to a bowl.

Fish Egg Curry Featured Image

Pro Tips for Cooking Best Fish Egg Curry

Here are some pro tips to ensure your Fish Egg Curry is a memorable culinary masterpiece:

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Freshness Matters: Start with the freshest fish roe you can find. The quality of the roe is paramount to achieving a delectable dish. Look for firm, intact eggs with a clean, briny scent.

Gentle Handling: Fish roe is delicate, so handle it with care. Avoid excessive stirring or vigorous cooking, as this can cause the roe to break apart and lose its texture.

Tempering the Spices: Properly temper your spices by heating them in oil until they release their aromas. This step infuses the oil with spice flavors, creating a rich base for your curry.

Balanced Spice Blend: Create a well-balanced spice blend, including ground coriander, cumin, turmeric, red chili powder, and a touch of garam masala. Adjust the spice levels to your preference for a perfect harmony of flavors.

Fresh Herbs: Add fresh herbs like cilantro or curry leaves toward the end of cooking. They impart a burst of freshness and elevate the overall flavor profile.

Gentle Simmer: Avoid boiling the curry vigorously once you’ve added the fish roe. Instead, let it gently simmer on low heat to allow the flavors to meld without overcooking the delicate roe.

Don’t Overcook: Be vigilant not to overcook the fish roe. They cook quickly and should remain tender. Overcooking can result in a rubbery texture.

By following these pro tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating the best Fish Egg Curry, a culinary masterpiece.

What to Serve with Fish Egg Curry?

Here are some delicious options to serve alongside Fish Egg Curry:

Steamed Rice: A classic and comforting choice, steamed white rice provides a neutral canvas to soak up the creamy curry sauce and enjoy the delicate fish roe.

Roti or Naan: Indian flatbreads like roti or naan are great for scooping up the curry and savoring its flavors. They add a different texture to the meal.

Appam: This South Indian rice pancake has a slightly sweet and spongy texture that contrasts beautifully with the savory curry.

Coconut Rice: If you want to stick with a coastal theme, coconut rice, infused with coconut milk and fresh grated coconut, pairs well with Fish Egg Curry.

Ultimately, the choice of accompaniments depends on your personal preferences and the regional variation of Fish Egg Curry you are preparing.

Whether you prefer rice, bread, or something in between, the goal is to enhance your dining experience by balancing flavors and textures.

How Does Fish Egg Curry Taste?

Fish Egg Curry offers a unique and delightful taste that’s characterized by a combination of flavors and textures. Here’s how Fish Egg Curry typically tastes:

Savory and Spiced: Fish Egg Curry is seasoned with a blend of aromatic spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric, and red chili powder. These spices create a savory and mildly spicy profile that complements the seafood element.

Balanced Heat: The level of spiciness can be adjusted to suit your preferences. It often has a gentle heat that doesn’t overpower the flavors of the fish roe.

Aromatic Herbs: Fresh herbs like cilantro or curry leaves are commonly added at the end of cooking, infusing the curry with a burst of freshness and aroma.

Delicate Texture: The fish roe itself is tender and delicate, with a slightly firm texture. It should not be overcooked to maintain its pleasant mouthfeel.

Satisfying Comfort: Overall, Fish Egg Curry offers a comforting and satisfying dining experience, especially when served with accompaniments like rice or bread to soak up the flavorful gravy.

The exact taste may vary depending on regional variations and personal preferences.

Fish Egg Curry Alternatives

Shrimp Curry: A flavorful curry made with shrimp or prawns, featuring a variety of spices and coconut milk or tomato-based sauces.

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Crab Curry: Delight in the sweet and succulent flavors of crab in a rich and spicy curry sauce.

Lobster Curry: Enjoy the decadence of lobster in a creamy and aromatic curry sauce.

Egg Curry: Hard-boiled eggs are simmered in a fragrant tomato-based curry sauce with a mix of spices.

Dimer Korma: A Bengali egg curry featuring a rich and creamy sauce with yogurt, cashews, and aromatic spices.

Paneer Tikka Masala: Indian cottage cheese (paneer) is marinated, grilled, and simmered in a tomato-based curry sauce.

Chana Masala: A classic North Indian curry made with chickpeas in a spiced tomato and onion gravy.

Recipe Card:

Fish Egg Curry Featured Image

Fish Egg Curry (Macher Dimer Jhol)

By Mita Mondal
Fish Egg Curry, also known as "Macher Dimer Jhol" in Bengali cuisine, is a savory and flavorful seafood dish made with fish roe or fish eggs. It is a popular dish in coastal regions and is known for its rich and aromatic curry gravy.
5 from 8 votes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Course Dinner, Lunch, Main Course
Cuisine Indian
Servings 5
Calories 323 kcal


  • 500 grams Rohu fish egg (cut & cleaned)
  • 2 tbsp Ginger garlic paste
  • 1 piece Tomato (chopped)
  • 1 piece Onion (chopped)
  • ½ tbsp Cumin seed
  • 1 tbsp Garam masala powder
  • tbsp Turmeric powder
  • 1 tbsp Kashmiri red chili powder
  • tbsp Red chili powder
  • 1 tbsp Cumin powder
  • 1 tbsp Coriander powder
  • 3 pieces Green chili
  • 1 tbsp Coriander leaves (chopped)
  • 5 tbsp[ Mustard oil
  • Salt to taste


  • Begin by ensuring the fish eggs are evenly coated with ½ tbsp of turmeric powder and ½ tbsp of salt. Make sure to achieve a thorough covering without extended marination to prevent sogginess.
    (Pro Tip: Avoid marinating for too long to maintain the desired texture.)
  • Heat 4 tbsp of mustard oil in a wok until it's hot. Carefully and gently place the fish eggs into the hot oil, being cautious as it may splatter. Cover the wok during frying.
    (Pro Tip: Take care when adding the fish eggs to prevent splattering.)
  • Carefully flip the fish eggs to ensure even frying on both sides. Remove them from the oil once they are fried to your satisfaction.
    (Pro Tip: Frying fish eggs can cause oil to foam.)
  • Add another 1 tbsp of oil to the same wok. Sauté cumin seeds for 2 seconds, then add chopped onions. Stir for 2 minutes until the onions become translucent. Add chopped tomatoes and cook until they turn mushy.
  • Once the tomatoes are cooked, introduce ginger-garlic paste and sauté until the raw smell dissipates.
  • Incorporate turmeric powder, cumin and coriander powder, Kashmiri and red chili powder. Stir, then add a small amount of water to cook the spices. Thoroughly combine them.
  • Add 2 tsp of salt and stir well. Once the spices release their oil, pour in 2 cups of water and bring it to a boil. Gently place the fried fish eggs in the boiling gravy.
    (Pro Tip: Adjust the salt according to your taste and the water for your desired gravy consistency.)
  • Add garam masala and green chilis, mixing gently. Cover and allow it to simmer for a while.
  • After a few minutes, uncover the curry, sprinkle it with fresh coriander leaves, and turn off the flame.
  • Transfer the delectable fish egg curry to a serving bowl. Enjoy your flavorful creation.


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Freshness of Fish Roe: The quality of fish roe is crucial for a delicious curry. Opt for fresh fish roe with a clean, briny scent. Check for intact eggs, as damaged eggs can affect the texture of the dish.
Gentle Handling: Fish roe is delicate, so handle it with care. Avoid excessive stirring or vigorous cooking, as it can cause the roe to break apart and lose its texture. Use a gentle hand when flipping the roe during frying.
Tempering Spices: Properly temper your spices by heating them in oil until they release their aromas. This step infuses the oil with spice flavors, creating a rich base for your curry. Be cautious while adding the spices to prevent burning.
Balanced Spice Blend: Create a well-balanced spice blend, including ground coriander, cumin, turmeric, red chili powder, and a touch of garam masala. Adjust the spice levels to your preference for a perfect harmony of flavors.
Fresh Herbs: Add fresh herbs like cilantro or curry leaves toward the end of cooking. They impart a burst of freshness and elevate the overall flavor profile of the curry.
Gentle Simmer: Avoid boiling the curry vigorously once you've added the fish roe. Instead, let it gently simmer on low heat to allow the flavors to meld without overcooking the delicate roe.
Don't Overcook: Be vigilant not to overcook the fish roe. They cook quickly and should remain tender. Overcooking can result in a rubbery texture.
Adjust Salt and Water: Taste the curry and adjust the salt and water levels according to your preference. Remember that the saltiness can vary depending on the type of fish roe used.
Customize Spice Level: Feel free to customize the spice level by adjusting the amount of red chili powder and green chilis to suit your taste. You can make it milder or spicier as desired.
By keeping these recipe notes in mind, you can create a memorable Fish Egg Curry that highlights the delicate flavors and textures of the fish roe while delivering a well-balanced and aromatic curry experience.

Nutrition Info (Estimation Only)

Nutrition Facts
Fish Egg Curry (Macher Dimer Jhol)
Amount per Serving
Calories from Fat 207
% Daily Value*
Saturated Fat
Polyunsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated Fat
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
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“Fish egg curry,” also known as “macher dimer borar jhol,” is a traditional Bengali dish.

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It pairs best with steamed rice, roti, and paratha.

The delightful aroma of garam masala and the rich flavor of the fish eggs make this dish highly delectable and perfect.

It serves as a flavorful side dish for lunch or dinner.

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