8 Amazing Indo Chinese Prawn Recipes

Indo-Chinese cuisine is a wonderful amalgamation of authentic Indian culinary techniques and extraordinary Chinese flavors.

This blend of flavors offers a perfect aroma and taste. Prawns are renowned for their versatility and popularity, as they are widely used ingredients that can create a variety of delicious dishes.

This includes amazing Indo-Chinese prawn recipes that are easy to cook and delectable in taste.

Key Takeaways

  • Indo-Chinese recipes are amazing to taste and very easy to prepare.
  • Garlic soy prawns, crispy prawn fry, and Asian chili garlic prawn recipes are mouth-watering and act as nice starters.
  • Indo-Chinese recipes require culinary expertise and a few main ingredients like soy sauce, vinegar, ketchup, sesame oil, and corn flour.

The 8 Amazing Indo Chinese Prawn Recipes

Amazing Indo Chinese Prawn Recipes

Indians are real foodies and always experiment with flavors.

The culinary expertise of Indian kitchens, the blend with other cuisines, and playing with different ingredients make Indians proud of their culinary talents.

Today, we will delve deep into some amazing Indo-Chinese prawn recipes that are tasty, easy to cook, and perfect for guests as well.

1. Garlic Soy Prawns

Garlic soy prawns

Garlic soy prawns is one of the classic Indo-Chinese dishes that is admired by millions out there.

To make this dish, you need five ingredients chopped garlic, spring onions, soy sauce, Chinese cooking oil, and fresh prawns.

This dish is very easy to prepare. Start by adding oil to a pan and frying the prawns.

Then, add the chopped garlic and spring onions (add the stem part first) and sauté them for a few minutes.

Next, add the prawns and sweet black soy sauce (one of the main ingredients in Chinese cuisine) and cook until the prawns are done.

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Finally add 2 tbsp of Chinese cooking oil and rest of the spring onions. You can serve it hot.

This is a nice starter recipe; you can also have it with noodles or rice.

2. Asian Chilli Garlic Prawns

Asian Chilli Garlic Prawns

Asian chili garlic prawn recipe is another typical Indo-Chinese recipe that is mouth-watering and full of flavors.

One of the most intriguing aspects of this recipe is its spectacular presentation, and it can be prepared in just a few minutes.

To make this recipe, you just need to heat the pan, add some oil, chopped onion, green chilies, and finely chopped garlic (another ingredient used in almost every Chinese recipe).

Add the prawns when the onions turn translucent. Cook it for a few minutes. Add chili sauce, vinegar, and soy sauce, and cook it until it is done.

Serve it hot and garnish it with finely chopped spring onions. You can try this as a good lunch or dinner main course dish.

3. Crispy Prawn Fried

Crispy Prawn Fried

The term ‘crispy’ refers to a texture that produces a crisp sound and sensation when you take a bite.

Crispy prawn fry is a good example of it. This is a simple recipe and very easy to cook.

First, you need to marinate the prawns (fresh and deveined) with sesame oil, white pepper, soy sauce, and chopped ginger.

Keep it aside and prepare a cornflour batter. Be careful when adding water. Only add water if the batter is too thick.

Before dipping the prawns in the cornflour batter, add the egg white to the prawn marinade.

Now heat the oil in a pan, then dip the prawns into the batter and deep fry them until they turn golden brown.

When they’re ready, you can serve them as a good starter recipe with some nice dips.

4. Butter Garlic Prawns

Butter Garlic Prawns

Butter garlic prawns can be prepared in various ways. Today we will share the saucy version.

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It’s a very easy recipe. You need to take fresh prawns and marinate them with salt and sauté them.

Then prepare a sauce with 1 tbsp of butter and finely chopped garlic. Sauté it and then add hot water.

When the water comes to a boil, add milk, pepper, chili flakes, mayo, and cream.

As you see the whole thing is getting thicker, add the prawns and cook it for some time.

Add grated cheese and chopped coriander (you can also use parsley instead of coriander).

Turn off the flame and serve it hot. Enjoy a rich creamy recipe that is highly delectable.

5. Sweet & Sour Prawns

Sweet & Sour Prawns

If you enjoy sweet and tangy flavors and prefer milder options over spicy ones, then sweet and sour prawns are an excellent choice.

Here, the prawns are finely cleaned and cut into small pieces. Add salt, pepper, egg, soy sauce, cooking oil, and cornflour to the recipe.

Also, add some all-purpose flour. Mix it very well and keep it aside. Then heat oil in a pan for deep-frying the prawns.

Once they are fried, prepare the sauce with ketchup, vinegar, sugar, and water.

Heat the pan and sauté onions, cucumber, green chilies, prawn balls, and add the sauce. Cook it for a while and then serve hot.

6. Prawn Manchurian

Prawn Manchurian

Prawn Manchurian is a popular Indo-Chinese dish loved by many.

To make this dish, you need to marinate the prawns with salt, pepper, egg, soy sauce, and cornflour.

Then shallow fry the prawns in hot oil until they turn golden in color.

Now, to prepare the sauce, heat oil in a pan, add chopped garlic, chopped onions, capsicum, and chopped spring onions.

Sauté them well. Then add red chili powder and diluted cornflour to it. Add the prawns and cook for a while.

If you want a gravy, you can add water and simmer it for a little while. Serve it hot and enjoy it with noodles, rice, or as a starter.

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7. Schezwan Prawn

Schezwan Prawn

The Schezwan prawn is a mouth-watering dish.

For this recipe, you need to have fresh prawns cooked with finely chopped ginger and garlic along with Schezwan sauce.

All the ingredients are cooked in a wok, stir-fried, and flipped over and over.

Then white vinegar, soy sauce, tomato ketchup, and white wine are added, followed by a little bit of water.

The ingredients are flipped and stir-fried repeatedly. Finally, add finely chopped spring onions and serve the dish hot.

8. Crispy Honey Prawns

Crispy Honey Prawns

Crispy honey prawns are a delightful combination of crispiness and a sloshy honey coating.

The fresh medium-sized prawns are coated with a dry batter made with flour, baking powder, and salt.

Then the batter is liquified with soda water, and the prawns are dipped in it one by one and deep-fried until they turn golden brown.

Now, let’s prepare the honey sauce with sugar syrup and soy sauce. Once it’s done, the sauce is poured over the crispy prawns.

The prawns get coated with the honey sauce and are garnished with sesame seeds. They are best served with crispy rice string papad.

You can experience the crispiness and the honey-coated juicy prawns in this dish.


All these amazing Indo-Chinese recipes are truly wonderful and very easy to try at home.

The flavors of each recipe will tantalize your taste buds with an extraordinary blend of Indian culinary techniques and Chinese sauces, offering a unique and delightful dining experience.

These prawn dishes, starting from crispy fried prawns to Schezwan prawns, are not only tasty but also highly delectable. You can enjoy them anytime you want.

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